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Day of the Dead Queen Contest.

For 15 to 35 Years old Contestants / Enrollment fee $100.00

Prices & Compensation: The Day of the Dead Contest will have a 1st Place Winner ($1,000.00 price), 2nd Place Runner-up ($500.00 price) and 3rd Place Contestant ($300.00 price). All Three participants will have a place in the Parade and Celebration. For any representation scheduled by the CABA outside the, Day of the Dead Parade, Day of the Dead Celebration and the Central Area Betterment Association Annual Report Dinner, time and travel will be paid by the Central Area Betterment Association at a rate of $15.00 Dlls/hour

CONTEST STRUCTURE The Contest is a single date RUNWAY STYLE MASQUERADE CONTEST divided in three (3) qualifying stages.

General Selection: During the general selection, all contestants will have the opportunity to do the catwalk by themselves and give a special message to the public of what it means to participate, showcasing their personality and public demeanor.
A second part of the General Selection will be a presentation of all contestants for the public to use the "Menti" app and select their 3 favorite contestants, eliminating the lower half by de-facto.


Second Appearance: During this qualifying stage, there will be a presentation of special talents for the public to enjoy and for the panel of special guests to grade each of the contestants using a “secret vote” method. A selection of no less than 3 and no more than 5 finalists will be delivered to the public immediately after the secret vote is tallied.

Final Selection: The final qualifying stage will be led by our panel of professional judges who will ask a series of questions related to the Day of the Dead history and folklore. The panel of judges will deliberate in private and deliver their final decision to the Master of Ceremonies for it to be made public.
A crowning ceremony will be held immediately after.


Open registration September 5th, 2021
Last day for registration, October 16th, 2021
Pageant Package pick up, October 18th, 2021
Pageant date: Saturday, October 23rd, 2021 (refer to event program for times and location)
Day of the Death Celebration. November 6th, 2021 (refer to event program for times and location)
CABA Annual Report Dinner (date and place TBD)


Important Notice to Parents/Guardians of Contestants. For security purposes, all Parents/Guardians MUST read the contents of this RULES AND REGULATION document thoroughly. Parental/Guardian consent form MUST be obtained BEFORE AGREEING to register your child for the contest. Adults will be contacted in advance to verify validity. An Adult will be required to accompany and escort Contestants aged between 15 to 18 years old to rehearsals, camps, training, events, and all Contest related activities. 18+1 day to 35 years old Contestants who choose to be accompanied, will need to register their escortiassistants.


In consideration of inclusivity and tradition, race, creed, ethnicity, or gender have no bearing in the partaking of this pre-Hispanic celebration of life, therefore race, creed, ethnicity, or gender shall not be disqualifiers of any contestant at any given moment.

To be eligible for the Day of the Dead Queen Contest however, Contestants must adhere to the following criteria: -

• Be between the ages of 15 and 35 years of age.

• All Contestants 15 to 18 years old must have Parental/Guardian consent and permission before applying to the Day of the Dead Queen Contest. For security purposes, we will NOT entertain correspondence or inquiries from minors.

• Contestants should have been born in or reside in Wyandotte County.

• Contestants do not have to be a natural born female but must culturally accurately represent a Catrina.

• If the contestant has had a criminal record, felony, or any conviction and has paid her/his debt to society, such situation shall not be a factor for disqualification, however this record should be disclosed at the time of registration.

• All Contestants should constantly demonstrate excellent moral character while participating, titleholding and moving forward.

• Contestants who’s place of residence is not Wyandotte County but were born in WyCo / showing proof of Birthplace, will registered to participate as "At Large"

• All Contestants will be required to pay $100.00 Enrollment Fee before any considerations. All Sponsorships (private or corporative) obtain prior to the contest enrollment will have to be registered, failure to do so will face disqualification.

• All Contestants will be expected to stay in place for the full duration of the Pageant.

• Contestants should be in good health and of sound mind during all aspects of the Contest process.
• Contestants should not be pregnant. If there is a change in circumstances, then the Contestant will contact the Day of the Dead Queen Contest offices immediately to advise. Contestant understands that this may affect a change in her eligibility to compete or perform the requirements of participation during and after the Contest and would fall on the runner up to fulfil all responsibilities.

• If the contestant has willingly or unwillingly been exhibited nude or seminude in any public venue, media or channel being it digital or in likeness, before registration, such situation shall not be a factor for disqualification, however this record should be disclosed at the time of registration.

• All Contestants will give consent and permission for Day of the Dead Queen Contest to televise, record or video produce the Contest, media, use any portion or all the competition for promotional and branding purposes.

• All Contestants will be required to purchase the official “Day of the Dead Queen Contest package". Price $50.00

• All Contestants will need to acknowledge that all rights from appearances, endorsements, speaking engagements, acting roles, etc. resulting from participating as a Titleholder shall belong to the CABA/Day of the Dead Queen Contest.

• All finalist of the Day of the Dead Queen Contest will be required to participate in all CABA events community and other wise as requested.

All Contestants that are crowned/titleholders will be and remain under the understanding and agreement to, during their one-year reign in the capacity as a Day of the Dead Queen/titleholder, that their professional public and social affairs in their role as Royalty can and will be organized by CABA, Central Area Betterment Association, Day of the Dead Celebration, Day of the Dead Parade and that each will be required to obtain written permission before undertaking any professional public and social presentation as well as any endorsements.

A Masquerade Pageant: First and foremost, THE DAY OF THE DEAD CONTEST is a “MASQUERADE CONTEST”. The term “MASQUERADE CONTEST” means that Finalists will not be permitted to appear in any official event representing the event, the organization, or the Contest without wearing all Cultural representative garments and makeup.

All our Finalists must have the following:


• Possess a bright and lovely personality and have excellent manners and social skills.

• Must also have charisma, elegance, poise, and a charming nature.

• Possess a bright, compassionate, caring, and genuine personality

• Radiate a unique, divine, bright, and charming charismatic disposition
• Have poise, elegance, excellent decorum, manners, and etiquette

• Be an excellent conversationalist with complementing social skills

Talent: The talent portion of the Contest will be no longer than 5 minutes in duration for each Contestant and can be a vocal, dance, acting, instrument recital, alternative performance, magic act, sports related act or any other performing arts activity as long as it is safely performed with a full participating outfit and without losing character.

Event Ticket Sales: It is MANDATORY for all Contestants to sell a minimum of 5 ($10.00each) tickets for the event. Separate apart from the tickets sales, each Contestant will receive 3 special passes for herself and two Assistants/Chaperon, Wardrove Director or Makeup Artist.

Moral Character: Contestants must be of good moral character, possess grace, elegance, social skills, and etiquette. All Contestants should not have any criminal charges pending against them and should not, in any way, be engaged nor planning to engage in any activities that are or maybe characterized as dishonest, immoral, indecent, or illegal.

Age Limit/Single Division: Contestants will be 15 to 23 years of age by the date of the Contest/Event. All Contestants will compete in a single division/single tittle.

PLEASE NOTE: A minimum of 3 (three) Contestants are required to run, for the Day of the Dead Contest to take place.

Catrina Style Make-Up: Day of the Dead Contest is a Masquerade Contest, and all Contestants should reflect our ethos in the choice of their Catrina make-up. Contestants will be required to wear full Cantrina decorative make-up. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will half face Catrina make-up or foundation only be allowed. We would ask that all Catrina Designs exemplifies the natural, pure, and wholesome beauty of the contestant, however. The Judges’ Panel has been instructed to deduct a minimum of 1 point (and above if they deem it necessary) from scores should they see any of the above being displayed on Contestants.

Catrina Style Garments and Attire: All Contestants will be required to purchase or produce their Day of the Dead Contest Garments (Dress and accessories. Gowns must be traditional Catrina Garments, floor length with coordinating accessories).

Jewelry should be kept classic and elegant. You should be reminded that the Day of the Dead Contest is a "Masquerade Contest " so all attire, should be reflective of the style in all your choice of outfits, foremost the culture-appropriateness.


Outfits can be custom made or purchased off the rack and, Contestants are only

permitted to wear one (1) outfit during all 3 segments of the Contest.


Tattoos and Piercings: If treated as part of the contestant’s outfit, tattoos will be permitted as will be all other face, hair, and body decorations or piercings.

Nudity: Under no circumstances should Contestants engage or plan to engage in being photographed or videorecorded nude or semi-nude nor appear in a publication, film, or digitally be reproduced, displayed, or expose via internet or otherwise during the Contestant’s participation or titleholding period of responsibilities. If this has happened before registration, a notification of such material existence most be reported, failure to report this will be cause for elimination.

Behavior: Contestants MUST abide by the Rules and Regulations herein and should, at all times, display first-rate manners, etiquette and Day of the Dead spirit, inclusivity and sportsman-like behavior to all other contestants, finalist, judges, members of staff and all associated. Day of the Dead Contest is a Cultural, family-orientated event and, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will any profanities, racially motivated comments, harassment, obscene or abusive language or gestures be permitted. This policy also extends to the family and supporters of all contestants. Any Contestant, family member or guest found to be displaying such conduct shall automatically disqualified the contestant or related contestant from the pageant without refund of Registration Contest Fees.

Contestant’s Obligations: It will be mandatory for all Contestants to adhere to the points below.

Each Contestant will have the opportunity and capability to be awarded up to 7 (seven) additional points to their overall score by achieving marketing assignments.


• Tickets: Sell a minimum of 5 spectator tickets for the event.

• Promoting on social media: To promote yourself and the Day of the Dead Queen Contest on all your social media outlets in positive, inspirational way and uplifting way. Contestants will need to like CABA’s Facebook, The Facebook event, Twitter, and Instagram accounts where we will be able to monitor the progress.


On-Stage Interviews: During the final selection, Contestants will take part in a simple but cultural related on-stage interview which will be based on the general knowledge of the Celebration. Contestants will select their on-stage questions from the "Fishbowl". Contestants will receive full documentation of the most important facts of this ancient celebration in the pageant package.

People's Choice Award: All Contestants will participate in the “PEOPLE'S CHOICE PRINCESS." Contest. This is an onsite contest starting upon registration and will end right before the Day of the Dead Queen’s is announced.


Tickets will cost $1 each. Contestants will receive as many Tickets as requested and can begin collecting votes immediately for $1 each to bring with them to Contest. We will also have individual boxes for each Contestant for further votes to be cast by friends, families, and guests to vote for their favorite contestant during intermission. The One contestant with the MOST votes (hence the most money in her box) will be crowned the “People's Choice Princess” and receive a beautiful price plus a placement in then Day of the Dead Parade.


Participation Sponsorship: Contestants are welcome to find Sponsors to assist them with funding Contest Participation Fees and general cost. In fact, we actively encourage it! We want all the Contestants involved in our Day of the Dead Queen Contest to understand the expenditure and money involved in participating in Contest events, appreciate their parent's sacrifices and allow them to explore their entrepreneurial spirit, creativity in raising funds and marketing skills. If you are able to access either family, friends or acquaintances who wants to sponsor you, then this is great! You may also want to contact local businesses such as Supermarkets, Banks, Beauty salons, Hairdressers, Doctors’ offices, local shops any other organization that you feel may be interested in sponsoring you. You can have either one sponsor or many who are ready to support your entry into the Contest. Participation Sponsorships will be recognized during the first stage of the Contest.


Social Network: All Contestants are encouraged to use their social networking pages such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tik-Tok to promote their entry into the Contest. However, these will need to be actively monitored by all Contestants 18 years and under to ensure safety and discretion. As you will be presenting the Day of the Dead Queen Contest, we would ask that you pay close attention to the comments, photograph, and messages that you are posting and that they are befitting your etiquette as a Contestant. If any contestant or Queen is found out to have inappropriate photographs, defamatory comments, or vial behavior then they will be immediately disqualified without reimbursement of Registration Fee and their title will be relinquished.


Final Selection Judging: The Judges’ Panel will be looking for Contestants who exude natural essence, confidence, etiquette, and personality but the judges will also be looking for deep understanding of the nature of the Day of the Dead Celebration. The Talent Competition will also make up a part of your overall score. Additional Optional Categories are judged separately and will not affect your overall Judges Score to determine placement. The Judges Panel has been instructed to deduct a minimum so 1 point (and above if they deem it necessary) from scores should they
see any of the above being displayed on Contestants. By registering to the Day of the Dead Queen Contest, Judge’s Panel’s decision is full and final.


Final Selection Scoring:

Scores will be based on the following:

Catrina Makeup and Garment. 30%

Personal Talent 20%

Personal Misdemeanor and Public Persona 30%

On-Stage Cultural Interview 20%


Falsified Information: Contestants must not provide falsified information or falsify details on their Registration Form. If it is established that a Contestant has provided false information, then this will lead to immediate dismissal from the Contest and in the case of this situation happening to the Day of the Dead Queen Winner, she will be required to return all prizes awarded and these will be given to the 2nd Runner Up who is by default the successor to the Title.


Adult Chaperone: Without exception: All Contestants under the age of 18 years MUST have always only one (1) Registered Adult Chaperone with them during the Pageant’s activities, events, and backstage times. The Chaperone Pass given to underage contestants should be used for this purpose only. Underage Contestants are under no circumstance permitted to come to any gathering, training, or event by themselves. Chaperons are in charge of signing in up on arrival and when exiting the event.


Chaperons, Wardrove Assistants, Makeup Artist or in general Escorts will be required to wear a black and white attire during the event. Adult Contestants will be required to sign in on arrival and when leaving the Contest’s premises.


Ownership of Title: Contestants and winners will understand and acknowledge that your Day of the Dead Queen Title is owned and controlled by the Central Area Betterment Association.


Name and Likeness: Contestants understand and give permission and consent for Contestant’s name, image, likeness, and voice to be used without charge for all marketing, advertising, publicity and/or commercial purposes and also in the eventuality that you may appear on Digital Media or otherwise.


Titleholder's Responsibility: Contestants agree that, if as a Titleholder any of the Contestants fail to operate or live up the expectation or do not conduct themselves commensurately with that expected of a Day of the Dead Contest Titleholder or adhere to the rules, regulations and terms or obligations hereof, that this will result

in immediate disqualification as a Titleholder together with the immediate return of all prizes awarded, cash prizes and crown.


Backstage Access: No family or friends will be allowed in the dressing rooms the day of Contest. Only the pre-approved Chaperones/Assistants wearing their designated security Identification will be given access backstage to support their Contestants.


Video and Cameras: “Day of the Dead Queen Contest” will provide a professional videographer to record the Contest’s production. This will be on sale to the public via the official website soon after as the Official Video of the Event. This video production will hold special access to all areas of the production and will be quite a special production for all to remember the fantastic event with a first-generation HD certified version.


Cellphone pictures and personal videos of the experience are allowed however, all this footage can only be taken from public areas. Any person invading the event private areas (refer to the productions map available at the events entrance) will be removed from the space the first time and removed from the event if there is a second incident.


Accidents or Acts of Nature: “Day of the Dead Queen Contest”, Central Area Betterment Association nor any of its partners will be held responsible in the event that an act of nature or accident such as severe/bad weather or power failure causes the Contest to be canceled or postponed.


Criminal Activities: The contestant will sign an affidavit of non-repeat engagement nor planning to engage in such activity under the understanding that engaging on criminal activity while participating, titleholding, and /or representing the Day of the Dead Contest, will disqualify the contestant immediately.


Rehearsals, Meetings and Training Sessions: Contestants MUST attend all rehearsals, training sessions and publicity events to secure their participation in the pageant. Constant lateness could result, and absences will result in the Contestants being disqualified from the Contest.


Marketing, Advertising, and Publicity: All Finalists give permission for their name and likeness to be used in conjunction with any publicity to do with the Contest and agree to be interviewed by the press and associated media should the situation arise.


Events and Appearances: All Titleholders (1st and Runners-Up) will be required to make special appearances scheduled and arranged by the Day of the Dead Contest Director for the Day of the Dead Celebration and other Central Area Betterment Association activities. While representing Day of the Dead Contest at all events and appearances, it will be imperative that all titleholders be dressed appropriately and in character, all must exhibit expert etiquette, social skills and manners at all times,
refrain from texting or speaking on cell phones unless excused for privacy by the Chaperon, Contest Director or staff.


Illegal Drugs, Alcohol and Substances: Illegal drugs, alcohol and smoking will, under no circumstances, be permitted by any Day of the Dead Participants, Contestants, Titleholders, Runners-up or Queen at any nonofficial or official time while enrolled to the Contest and Contest is taking place. All Contestants will only be permitted to drink non-alcoholic beverages in their capacity as Participants, Contestants, Titleholders, Runners-up, or Queen while participating in the production of the Contest or while participating in any official event or activity.


Titleholder's Responsibility: All Day of the Dead Contest Titleholders will radiate all the positive attributes required by the organization and should present the cultural aspect of the Day of the Dead Celebration in their best possible light. They will hold their title for a period of 1 (one) year and must be available to attend the next year’s Finals to crown the new winner/s.


Tickets/Passes: Each Contestant will be given 3 (three) backstage Passes. A. Contestant’s Pass, B. Chaperon/Wardrobe Assistant’s Pass, C. Makeup Artist’s Pass. These passes will be used for backstage and production access only and will not hold a place for the ticketed areas of the event. All public sitting will need a separate ticket. All Contestants will be required to sell a minimum of $50 (Fifty Dollars 0/100) worth of tickets. Tickets will be available and on-sale from September 5th, 2021, on the website.


ALL tickets for the public must be purchased IN ADVANCE online. Prices may vary so please check with Contest thicket system. tickets may also be purchased during the Contest Welcome Reception but is solely based on a first-come, first-served bases and limited to venue’s availability. It is advisable for the public to book tickets early to avoid disappointment.


Notice: Any Contestant who is not able to participate in the pageant MUST give at least 2 week’s written / email notice prior to the Contest so as to give the opportunity for planning adjustment and changes. Please Note: Any Deposit or Registration Fee paid will not be refundable. In the case of canceling participation, all collected fees would be held in for covering production cost.


Valuables: It is imperative that all garments, valuables, and any personal property be brought to the pageant in a “Lockable” suitcase clearly marked with your name. The “Day of the Dead Queen Contest” organization as well as the Central Area Betterment Association, will not be held responsible for any damage of loss of property that may arise. It is the sole responsibility of the Contestant or in the case
of all minor Contestants, the Adult Chaperone to ensure that all valuables and garments are supervised throughout the day.


General: All rules can be changed by the Contest Directors and Organizers as deemed appropriate with immediate notification to the Contestants via Email within twenty-four (24) hours of the change taking place.



Parental/Guardian consent MUST be granted/obtained BEFORE ENTERING THE PAGEANT with ALL ADULTS being contacted in advance.


An Adult MUST attend ALL auditions, meetings, rehearsals, and event.

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